Wednesday, March 11, 2020
A regular meeting of the SaddleBrooke Ranch Golf Club Green Committee was
held in the La Vista Room at the SBR La Hacienda Club on March 11, 2020.
Committee Members present:
Jean Cheszek, Jim Cook, Ken De Leo, Toni Graves, Jack Gressingh, Jeanne
Osterlund, Jeff Pharr
Not present: Mike Mycka, Sam Rossi
Robson Staff present:
Chris Blake, Mark Giannonatti, Mike Jahaske, Ken Steinke
Jack Gressingh called the meeting to order at 10:20am.
1. Minutes from the meeting of February 5, 2020. After a motion by Jean
Cheszek and a second by Jeanne Osterlund, the Minutes of 2/5/20 meeting
were unanimously approved.
2. Ed’s Dogs. Mr. Robson visited with the County’s Board of Supervisors
about permit application approvals for the restaurant- a review that should take
two hours has taken four months. Results should be forthcoming.
Pool Area Outdoor Bathrooms. Progress is continuing; expect pavers and
inside seating.
Community Garden. Raised boxes for the community garden that were
ordered from China are delayed and permit applications are on hold. The design
of these fenced gardens is perfect for our climate.
Tennis Courts, Bocce Ball and Corn Hole. Dave M is making every effort
to improve the surfaces of the two new tennis courts; work is being done on
the weekends.
3. General Course Issues
New Trees on Holes 7 and 18. After lengthy discussion pre-meeting, it
was decided that the placement of trees is still TBD. The prime consideration is
safety. The aiming pole on Fairway 7 is working. Ken De Leo believes that a
tree or two would be excellent behind the greens of Holes 8 and 16. Decisions
should be made before spring planting in May; temporary orange poles will
remain until then. The committee will also be considering the addition of a
“desert area” on the left side of the bunkers on #18.
Electricity in Bathroom between Holes 14/15. Robson Land Development
told Ken and Mike it would be six to nine weeks for re-connection.
Cart path between Holes 15/16. Chris bought 12 tons of gravel that was
added to the cart path; there is no guaranty that repaving will be accomplished
before April; Robson Land Development does the grading.
1. Report from Mike Jahaske. For January and February 2020, revenue is up
$57K over 2019, annual memberships are up +26, golfers are 50/50
public/residents. There have been no closures the past month; the course is
pursuing public rounds; our biggest competitor is “The Views” golf course in Oro
Questionnaire: Response has been low; the pro shop will hand out
questionnaires to all groups on Saturday. “Golf Now” responses are very
2. Report from Chris on Course Conditions. The fairways are firm and
challenging to hit from; the solution will be to increase water and increase
drainage on areas that remain wet.
3. Skateboard/Scooter Golf Carts. Although there are liability issues, they
will no doubt be allowed although no one in SBR has asked. Pebble Creek and
Robson Ranch TX has voted to allow them. At SBR a handicap cart is available
for handicap golfers; driver can drive on the putting green and the seat tilts so
driver may stand to putt; same is true for other strokes.
4. Report from Jeff Pharr on Adopt-A-Hole. We now have an updated list of
the participants & hole assignments. There was some confusion on assignments
and hole teams. A message will be sent out reminding everyone what their
responsibilities are and identifying their teammates so they could coordinate
their efforts.
5. “Volcanoed” Pin Concerns. Chris and Mike checked all eighteen pins and
determined that none are “volcanoed”. Mark G. feels that since cups are set at
6:00 am, changes can occur throughout the day as flags are removed, and
there is repeated walking on the turf near the pins. “Volcano cups” may be the
result of when the pin is pulled and the cup emerges from the hold with the flag
due to sand in the pin hole. The metal cup setter is heavy duty and is not
breakable; pins are being set correctly. Mr. Whittmann will get a response letter
6. Questions from Membership and Answers from the Committee.
a. Recent drainage issue on Fairway 13 was caused by a sprinkler that
ran three hours longer than intended.
b. The over seed schedule for 2020 is 9/28/2020 through
c. It is possible to bring poa annoa seeds onto greens via golf shoes;
the perception is that it affects putting, but it does not. The bags of grass seed
that we use are certified not to contain poa annua.
d. Casual water and tire tracks- you get automatic relief.
e. During casual golf, take relief from damaged fairways; on
tournament days; it is up to the tournament director to declare if relief will be
f. The crossing safety at the four way stop between fairways 9 and
10, will be studied.
g. Bunker areas do not guarantee sand; whether your ball lands in play
on the course or even on cement in bunkers, the ball should be played where it
h. Holes 5 and 14 drop zones: If it is impossible to take relief on
these holes, go back to the most forward tee (gold or plum), which will serve as
designated drop zones.
i. Hole 11 hazard stakes. Red hazard stakes will be left where they
are. If the hazard stakes were to be moved the cart path would be in the
j. Hole 1: The red lateral hazard stakes on the left side will be
removed. There should be white out of bounds stakes from the tee boxes up to
approximately the first left fairway bunker. No one knows who wrongly installed
the red stakes.
k. Red stakes, Right side Hole 4, ~200 yards out. Could the stakes be
moved a bit closer to the rough so that people could take their drop on grass?
Mark Giannonatti proposed revisiting the tree issues in a few weeks.
The Green Committee meetings are open to everyone with an interest in the
SBR golf course, have a question or comment. Email your questions to
The next SBR Green Committee meeting date is TBD because of the coronavirus
Respectfully submitted, Toni Graves
Approved 3/24/202
Doug Sedam was awesome to work with and I learned a great deal about both selling and buying a home. Both transactions were seamless in that what occurred was exactly according to the plan Doug originally proposed.
John C.